Scrambling lily - geintonoplesiu cymosum

Scrambling lily - geintonoplesiu cymosum

this is a vine from eastern Australia and the Pacific Islands it should work wellon a trellis or in a hanging pot it has a pretty flower

Lemon Scented Myrtle - backhousia citriodora

Lemon Scented Myrtle - backhousia citriodora

is from coastal forests from Brisbane to Mackay it is a medium sized shrub to tree the leaves have a lemon scented it has lovely white flowers it can grow from cuttings it has been used as a container plant indoors but would prefer some sun it should be reasonably hardy

Basket grass spiny-head mat-rush - lomandra longifolia

Basket grass spiny-head mat-rush - lomandra longifolia

it is from eastern Australia it is a grass that grows to 40 cm to 1 m it can grow indoors in containers well but also in full sun we have used it for the last 3 years on stages around woodford and is tolerant to dry periods and hardy it grows best though when watered adequately it has been used to make strong nets and baskets in Australia for a long time and the base of the leaves has been used for food

myoporum boninense

myoporum boninense

is a shrub with white flowersand shney lilac fruits it grows in NSW and QLD and the pacific islands it flowers in spring and summer we haven't used it before but hope it will make a fine stage plant it has been recently potted from cuttings and will need to be left in its present pot for a month or so before potting on

Lilly pilly - acmena smithii minor

Lilly pilly - acmena smithii minor

from north queensland to Vicoria ,there are lots of hybrids in nurserys and are used commonly as potplants they can tolerate dry periods although it is better to water them regularly otherwise they will whinge and drop their leaves in protest it can be pruned into a good shape and can be used in bonsai it is tolerant to sun and shade

Moreton Bay fig - ficus macrophylla

Moreton Bay fig - ficus macrophylla

is a rainforest tree from central queeensland to souuthern NSW and also Lord Howe Island it is an excellent bushy palnt for a large container and likes adequate moisture remember it is not suitable planted out into a suburban back yard. It will take over and kick you out of your yard and then home.

Bungalow Palm - archontophonenix cunninghamiana

Bungalow Palm - archontophonenix cunninghamiana

a rain forest palm from SE queensland and northern NSW it flowers in midsummer apparently it is an invasive weed in southern Brazil and other places it can tolerate full sun but prefers some shade do not over fertilize you can use blood and bones or a palm food only once a year they like to be well watered they are a good plant in a tub on a veranda

Small leaved lilly pilly - syzygium  luehmannii

Small leaved lilly pilly - syzygium luehmannii

grows in SE and NE queensland its'berries are a gourmet bush food used in jams and syrups it will respond well to light pruning we also haven't tried it in pots for prolonged periods but are hopeful it will be a good stage plant

Davidson plum - davidsonia pruriens

Davidson plum - davidsonia pruriens

from SE QLD and NE NSW it has purple edible fruit up 50mm it is a popular plant for large containers and will tolerate extended periods indoors they can have a regular complete fertillizer

Burdekin Plum - Pleiogynium timorense

Burdekin Plum - Pleiogynium timorense

from QLD and the pacific islands its fruits resemble flying saucers with portholes we are hoping it will respond to pots like Davidson plums' do

Board-leaved palm lily - Cordyline Petiolaris

Board-leaved palm lily - Cordyline Petiolaris

a scrub to 5 m tall from nambucca River to gladstone it has white or lilac flowers from late winter to spring them red fruit up to a 1 cm. We have previously used mainly a cordyline rubra hybrid with red leaves and while this cordyline will be less of a perfect pot plant and may need companion plants at its base we think it will make a nice stage plant.

Fairy fan flower - scaevola albida

Fairy fan flower - scaevola albida

from eastern Australia it is a low growing perenial herb with white or blue flowers it is a spreading plant last year it was used in hanging planters and we plan to use it as a companion plant as well it loves full sun but will tolerate partial shade even indoors for short periods it can manage drier conditions and be careful not to over water it

Cut-leafed daisy - brachyscome multifid

Cut-leafed daisy - brachyscome multifid

is from SE qld NSW and Vic it is a perenial herb with pretty flowers and will work as a companian plant or in a hanging basket it likes full sun but will tolerate some shade it can manage drier conditions and do not over water it spent flowers need to be removed and can prune in late summer

Cordyline Petiolaris board-leaved palm lily
a scrub to 5 m tall from nambucca River to gladstone
it has white or lilac flowers from late winter to spring
them red fruit up to a 1 cm.
We have previously used mainly a cordyline rubra hybrid with red leaves
and while this cordyline will be less of a perfect pot plant and may need companion plants at its base we think it will make a nice stage plant .

•bungalow palm archontophonenix cunninghamiana
a rain forest palm from SE queensland and northern NSW it flowers in midsummer
apparently it is an invasive weed in southern Brazil and other places
it can tolerate full sun but prefers some shade
do not overfertilize you can use blood and bones or a palm food only once a year
they like to be well watered
they are a good plant in a tub on a veranda

•Ficus •Watkinsian strangler fig
is from NE QLD to northern NSW
in the wild it starts life as a seed high in the branches of a rainforest tree and sends down roots to the ground ,
however they can be grown as a free standing plant in cultivation . It is adapableto a range of soil types and likes adequate water .
As with other figs do not set it free in your back yard even if it pleads and says it will leave your pavers and plumbing alone .

•Macrophylla moreton bay fig
is a rainforest tree from central queeensland to souuthern NSW and also Lord Howe Island
it is an excellent bushy palnt for a large container and likes adequate moisture
remember it is not suitable planted out into a suburban back yard. It will take over and kick you out of your yard and then home.

•obliqua smallleafed fig
grows in NE queensland and NSW and pacific islands
it has a small round yellow fruit and is pollinated by 2 species of fig wasps.
it makes a good indoor plant and in bonsai
it’s leaves are a food source for the larvae of the common crow butterfly

•lilly pilly acmena smithii
from north queensland to Vicoria ,there are lots of hybrids in nurserys and are used commonly as potplants
they can tolerate dry periods although it is better to water them regularly
otherwise they will whinge and drop their leaves in protest
it can be pruned into a good shape and can be used in bonsai
it is tolerant to sun and shade

•syzygium ingrens red apple satin ash
from queensland to NSW it can also be known as a lilly pilly
it has white flowers in summer it can adapt to full sun
apparently its fruit is edible but not very tastety
we haven’t tried it as a plant pot before but are hopeful it wil be a winner

•syzygium leuhmannii small leaved lilly pilly
grows in SE and NE queensland
its’berries are a gourmet bush food used in jams and syrups
it will respond well to light pruning
we also haven’t tried it in pots for prolonged periods but are hopeful it will be a good stae plant

•davidsonia pruriens davidsons plum
from SE QLD and NE NSW
it has purple edible fruit up 50mm
it is a popular plant for large containers and will tolerate extended periods indoors
they can have a regular complete fertillizer

•Pleiogynium timorense Burdekin Plum
from QLD and the pacific islands
its fruits resemble flying saucers with portholes
we are hoping it will respond to pots like Davidson plums’ do

•backhousia citriodora lemon scented myrtle

•Harpulia pendula Queensland Tulipwood
from rainforest areas in northern NSW up to tropical QLD
it has greenish yellow flowers from november to january
it is a food plant for the cornelia butterfly
we havebeen trialling it in pots for ayearnnow and it looks hopeful

•Ground Covers

•myoporum boninense
is a shrub with white flowersand shney lilac fruits
it grows in NSW and QLD and the pacific islands
it flowers in spring and summer
we haven’t used it before but hope it will maake a fine stae plant
it has been recently potted from cuttings and will need to be left in its present pot for a month or so before potting on

•scaevola albida fairy fan flower
from eastern Australia
it is a low growing perenial herb with white or blue flowers
it is a spreading plant
last year it was used in hanging planters and we plan to use it as a companion plant as well
it loves full sun but will tolerate partial shade even indoors for short periods
it can manage drier conditions and be careful not to over water it
•brachyscome multifid cut-leafed daisy
is from SE qld NSW and Vic
it is a perenial herb with pretty flowers and will work as a companian plant or in a hanging basket
it likes full sun but will tolerate some shade
it can manage drier conditions and do not over water it
spent flowers need to be removed and can prune in late summer
•hibbertia scandens golden guinea vine
from SE NSW to NE QLD
it is a small to medium shrub with lovely yellow flowers
it will climb and could be shaped on a trellis or a hanging planter
is should flower in late spring and summer
it will do best in full sun but will manage semi shade
•geintonoplesiu cymosum scrambling lily
this is a vine from eastern Australia and the Pacific Islands
it should work wellon a trellis or in a hanging pot
it has a pretty flower

•pandora jasminoides bower of beauty
is a cultivar from an Australian native that grows in wet sclerophyll forests of NE NSW and SE QLD
it is popular with gardeners as it is a vigorous climbing plant anfor long periods
it has a d flowers beautifulpink flower
it will grow in full sum to partial shade it prefers to be well watered and well drained but can tolerate periods of dry
it can be propagated by seeds and cuttings

lomandra longifolia basket grass spiny-head mat-rush
it is from eastern Australia
it is a grass that grows to 40 cm to 1 m
it can grow indoors in containers well but also in full sun
we have used it for the last 3 years on stages around woodford and is tolerant to dry periods and hardy
it grows best though when watered adequately
it has been used to make strong nets and baskets in Australia for a long time and the base of the leaves has been used for food