Who we are and what we do

Groups dedicated to making Woodfordia a beautiful place by coming together one weekend per month for a special occasion and Working Bee.

What happens during the working bee?

Tree Huggers arrive mostly on Saturday afternoon, set up camp, and prepare for Sunday morning working bee, and in the evening the music begins. BYO singing voices and instrument (no matter how badly you play or sing).

When is the working bee?

The last Sunday of every month (no ifs or buts). The working bee schedule is 8.30am – 10.00am and 10.30am – 12.30pm. Tree Huggersgather at Festival Hall on site after breakfast at 8.00am and then working bee commences at 8.30am.

How to join

Email Paul at treehuggers@woodfordia.com with your details. Or click on picture below for a prepared email ready to send…

Tree Huggers

Live music ONLY (so no stereos please)
Lovely weekends and great comradery
Come and help make a beautiful place much better